#Announcement: We are changing how things work for Snapchat, Kik, and Skype users

Updated April 27, 2015 ● 1,700 views
#Announcement: We are changing how things work for Snapchat, Kik, and Skype users

I just want to share what we've been working on lately.

We've been working on an enhancement on how the Snapchat, Kik, and Skype channel works. BBM will be removed since noone use it.

All three channels will be moved to a single section. We will re-implement Match and Local feature to help you find who you are looking for.

All username posts will now be private and only users who are your matches will see your usernames. It's like asking permission for the user to give his/her usernames to you. When you request match with a user, that user will now be notified via email so he/she can accept or decline your match request. Currently, we don't notify via email.

Users will be able to set private posts too. So you can post whatever pics you like as long as it's not explicit.

So the bottomline is, when this is implemented, Dizkover will no longer allow posting of regular usernames in public and in comments. Unless it's for entertainment, such as celebrity usernames.

If you are just a regular user looking for someone to talk to, your usernames is now private and only visible to people who are interested in you.

The same goes with Instagram and on other social channel. We will move regular username posts in your profile area. Those channels will only be dedicated to "real models and entertainers".

Hopefully, this change will be implemented by this weekend.
