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Dizkover iOS App

Full Features:
  • Take photos and add filters.
  • Record 10-second looping videos.
  • Private and Group Chat.
  • Link your Snapchat, Kik, Skype, Instagram, and more.
  • Subscribe to Channels.
  • Trending Hashtags similar to Twitter.
  • Find People Nearby.
  • Find People by Gender and Sexual Orientation.
  • Find your Mutual Match based on Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, Ethnicity, and Location.
Privacy and Safety:
  • Public or Private Profile.
  • Restricted Mode - Hides potentially mature content.
  • Block/Report inappropriate users.
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Create your profile page and add your snapchat, kik, or skype usernames. If you see a profile you like, add his or her username and chat.
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Make new friends, flirt with someone, or find a new relationship. Just answer 5 basic questions about yourself to get your mutual match..