Reza Aslan Interview On Fox News Might Be The Worst... Watch! | #FoxNews #Religion

Updated July 31, 2013 ● 487 views

Reza Aslan is a religious scholar and author of "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth." He is also Muslim. This blew the minds of Fox News, including host Lauren Green, who quite possibly gave the most embarrassing, insipid interview in Fox News history.


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It's Fox News. The anchor knew exactly what she's doing. She's trying to bait Reza Aslan to lose his cool. Good for him he has a PhD on not losing cool.

David · 10 years ago
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How she keeps on mentioning he's a Muslim? She's trying to imply that Reza Aslan cannot write anything about Jesus since he's a Muslim.

Allie22 · 10 years ago
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