#AskDating: Should I call her?

Updated July 29, 2013 ● 543 views

I've met a very beautiful girl last weekend. She was smart and charming and I think we hit it off. She gave me her number. I want to get some advise on when I should call her. I just don't want to come up as someone who is very interested.

Because I've done it before. I don't know why when I call a girl I've met, It seems they lose interest as soon as I call them.

When is the best time to call her?


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Definitely! All you need to do be is "yourself". No pretending. If she likes you, she likes you as who you are. So do not over analyze things. Just call her and talk to her like a really fun and interesting person to be with.

David · 10 years ago
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@David: Very good advise. Always be yourself.

Alexa · 10 years ago
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Call her now and don't overthink your plans. Just do it and be yourself as the others suggested. As a girl, I hate it when someone i like doesn't call. I would think he's just not interested.

Kris · 10 years ago
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Call her. And the best time is when she's not sleeping. So call her after dinner.

Jenni · 10 years ago
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