#AskDating: Are there any nice guys left in this world? I'm sick of dating jerks!

Updated February 8, 2015 ● 658 views


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a rule to follow to find the jerks if a guy immedietly starts hitting on you or getting super close and fast chances are he's a jerk try to find a guy you wants to know you not your body

dramaqueen · 7 years ago
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ikr there just stupid its ridiculous but im a nice guy we should talkheres my kik The.Dark.Beast


BrokenSoul · 9 years ago
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@BrokenSoul: Do you really expect women to just talk to you right away? So you say you're a nice guy... and that's all you are saying. I mean show some intellect and make women be interested in you. And maybe women will want to talk more with you. ;)

kaylee · 9 years ago
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Don't date nice guys...

Date someone who is exciting. Most nice guys are insecure and boring. Most of them have no idea how to carry relationship. You will get bored easily.

Aubrey · 9 years ago
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