#AskDating: Should I get back with my ex?

Updated December 4, 2014 ● 577 views

My ex who broke up with me last year has been constantly calling me the past few days. He's been wanting to see me and I think he wants to get back with me.

I'm afraid because I don't want to get hurt again. Should I give him another chance?


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Quick answer for me. No. An ex is an ex for a reason.

tech · 10 years ago
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I think you should see how much effort is he willing to do to get you back. Give him 6 months, a year... see how sincere he is.

David · 10 years ago
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First thing first. Can you tell us why he broke up with you? I guess it all depends on the reason on why he broke up with you. If there was some fault at your end, then maybe you could give him another chance. But if he was all at fault, probably just ignore him.

Denise1991 · 10 years ago
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@Denise1991: He just broke up with me and said he wanted to thinks things over. But I knew he dated other woman afterwards. I guess he wasn't sure about me.

Alexa · 10 years ago
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@Alexa: I would say don't get back with your ex. There are other worthy guys out there.

awesome8 · 10 years ago
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@Alexa: Hi, how are you doing today pretty

larryken17 · 9 years ago
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@Alexa: Here is my skype name samir060289, i hope to heard from you agin on skype.

larryken17 · 9 years ago
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