#AskDating: Should I date my coworker?

Updated December 11, 2014 ● 431 views

My coworker just asked me out. He's ok. But I'm wondering if it's a good idea to date a coworker.


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Dating a coworker is not that great, but it's not that terrible either. It's ideal if you are in two different groups and do not actually work together.

There are just downsides when you guys breakup. It can be distracting for both of you specially if both of you are in the same group. So think ahead. I would suggest that you date someone outside of work.

inspire · 10 years ago
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There are so many cons in dating a co-worker. Personal issues may quickly become workplace issues leading to unsatisfactory job performance. This is one of the main reasons employers frown on this practice in the first place. Relationships have a way of cooling off over time. The ability to spend every waking hour together may seem ideal at first, but after a while, even too much of a good thing can be too much!

HenryD · 10 years ago
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Base on my experince, i would suggest don't. It's gonna be difficult whne you guys break up. I ended up changing job becuase of it.

Allie22 · 10 years ago
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I think ...

No because what happens if you get in a fight.

lm5240 · 7 years ago
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In a word... NO! Paddy669 · 7 years ago
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