What is Adele's snapchat username?

November 23, 2015 ● 27,639 views
What is Adele's snapchat username?
Adele Snapchat Username

Hey guys, does Adele user Snapchat?

I just want to say Hello to Adele. :)


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Adele's Snapchat Name...

I'm not sure Adele is using Snapchat. She's more of a diva celebrity type that will not waste time on social media like Snapchat. But if Adele does comes out to be using Snapchat. I will post Adele's snapchat username here.

Christina · 8 years ago
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Adele is an A-lister

I don't think she'll ever use Snapchat.

kaylee · 8 years ago
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