A Grizzly bear charged a man and took shotgun blast at point-blank range

November 4, 2018 ● 338 views

This video might be disturbing to some viewers. If you don't like animals getting shot, don't watch. Although according to some commenters on YouTube, the bear was only shot with birdshot and still alive.

This event happened when a Canadian family noticed a group of bears on their property. The father attempted to scare the beats off by firing a warning shot into the air. But the shot provoked the mother bear, who then charged the man. Amazingly, the man was able to fire off his last shot, momentarily knocking the beast off her feet and giving him enough time to make it back to safety.

He later tracked the bear family, and believes while the mama bear is sore, she's okay.




The bear would have eaten him alive if he didn't got that shot...

and the bear was lucky that was just a birdshot.

LordOfTheRings · 6 years ago
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@LordOfTheRings: How do you know he used birdshot?

Ronn · 6 years ago
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@Ronn: Because the bear was found alive and without any traces of blood.

LordOfTheRings · 6 years ago
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@Ronn: The bear wouldn't have gotten up literally seconds later if he used slugs or buckshot. At close range, the shot will not have much spread. At point-blank range, even buckshot will act as a slug and create larger wound cavities. It doesn't have time to spread, thus it stays together and acts as one round.

Dagger · 6 years ago
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