Girl dancing at the side of the road distracts car driver and caused an accident

Updated April 17, 2017 ● 1,269 views
Girl dancing at the side of the road distracts car driver and caused an accident

If you are driving, always keep your eye on the road. Look ahead. Don't look at girls dancing on the side of the road. If you get yourself distracted, you will end up colliding with a motorbike and end up in jail for involuntary manslaughter.


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WTF... that looks like broken bones all over his body.

And that girl was lucky for not getting hit by the flying bike parts.

rossdboss123 · 7 years ago
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I wonder if that girl is responsible for that accident.

She was intentionally distracting the motorists.

pete808 · 7 years ago
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@pete808: She's not. It's not illegal to dance at the side of the road.

Jaye88 · 7 years ago
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