Selfies #WorstSelfieEver

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Worst Selfie Ever.

These are the worst selfies ever. Have you taken some inappropriate selfies or came accross one? Share it here in Selfies channel and tag it with #WorstSelfieEver!!!

More About Selfies #WorstSelfieEver

The #WorstSelfieEver hashtag is a topic or interest in selfies channel. Sort #WorstSelfieEver hashtag by Trending Today, Trending in 2025, and Latest.

Selfie has made it to the dictionary!

Syllabification: sel·fie

NOUN (plural selfies)

A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.

Everyone loves a #selfie. What's the use of a selfie if you're not gonna share it. 

This channel is created for us #selfie addicts :).

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