Trump's 1.5 Million Inauguration Crowd Officially Debunked by NPS Photos, Half Smaller Than Obama's

Updated March 9, 2017 ● 761 views
Trump's 1.5 Million Inauguration Crowd Officially Debunked by NPS Photos, Half Smaller Than Obama's
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo

The National Parks Service just released the official photos from President Trump's inauguration and Trump is definitely going to throw a tantrum when he sees these official NPS photos.

Remember when Trump claimed that his inauguration got the most attendance in all Presidential inauguration. It's so huge that he said 1.5 million people attended his inauguration. Well it's now proven false. Just like nothing really happened in Sweden.

“I turn on one of the networks, and they show an empty field. I’m like, wait a minute. I made a speech. I looked out, the field was, it looked like a million, million and a half people.” - Trump said in his CIA Headquarter speech.

The NPS also provided the official photo from Obama's Inauguration and you can see there's almost as twice as much crowd as Trump's.

I wonder what Trump would tweet this time. Maybe he'll say the NPS official photos are as fake as fake news.

1.) National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 1
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 1

2.) National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 2
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 2

3.) National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 3
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 3

4.) National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 4
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 4

5.) National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 5
National Parks Service Official Trump Inauguration Photo 5

6.) National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 1
National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 1

7.) National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 2
National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 2

8.) National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 3
National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 3

9.) National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 4
National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 4

10.) National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 5
National Parks Service Official Obama Inauguration Photo 5



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This official Trump inauguration photos will infuriate him

We all know Trump. His ego is hurting right now. He loves attention and he craves for affection. He loves to boast. And if you contradict his words, you should be ready for his wrath.

Trump is probably thinking right now how to defund National Parks Services because of this damaging photos that proved Trump is a liar.

HenryD · 7 years ago
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Trump inauguration crowd is not YUUUGGGEEEE afterall

But seriously, what's with Trump non-stop obsession with alternative facts. If Trump only focus on leading rather than tweeting non sense lies, he won't be facing the scrutinies.

Trump should stop obsessing if people adores him. Because that's never going to happen. He lost majority of the votes.

What he needs to do is earn the respect of the people. And he's not doing that.

awesome8 · 7 years ago
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