Full Video of Adele's Touching Tribute To Brussels During Her Concert - "Make You Feel My Love"
Updated March 24, 2016 ● 643 views
Updated March 24, 2016 ● 643 views
Adele sang "Make You Feel My Love" during her concert in London as a touching tribute to Brussels.
Last Tuesday, there were several people killed and injured by terrorists attack in Brussels airport in Belgium. While she sings the emotional song, everyone on the arena raise their lit mobile phones into the air as a sign of solidarity. A sign that no matter what the terrorists do, people will never be broken by these heartless and ruthless attacks in human lives.
This very touching tribute from Adele hopefully heals the world from grief as terrorist continue to attack innocent people around the world.
We need to understand how these terrorists think. We cannot just fight them like a typical war when they are all willing to die for their cause.
rossdboss123 · 8 years agopermalink · reply (0)