How smart do you need to be to get to #MIT? Not as smart as you might think...

Updated September 18, 2013 ● 635 views
How smart do you need to be to get to #MIT? Not as smart as you might think...

An 18-year-old MIT student fell four stories through a skylight at MIT fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa during a party shortly after 11:30 p.m. Wednesday night. The student was taken to Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is alert and has no life-threatening injuries, according to a statement.

According to witnesses, prior to the fall, the student was “jumping up and down” on the plexiglass skylight which then broke.




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I'm pretty sure most of us have been stupid when they were in college. I was once acted stupid that could have ended me in a hospital bed.

Robber · 10 years ago
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The guy must be drunk to be that stupid.

Timmy · 10 years ago
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