Taylor Swift Threatened Kanye West with Criminal Prosecution Over Leaked Phone Conversation on Snapchat

Updated July 25, 2016 ● 985 views
Taylor Swift Threatened Kanye West with Criminal Prosecution Over Leaked Phone Conversation on Snapchat

By now, we all know the video that Kim Kardashian leaked on Snapchat. Kim posted a video of Kanye West talking to Taylor Swift on the phone about his new rap song Famous. It's embarassing to Taylor Swift as she claimed not knowing about that Kanye's song.

In that phone converstaion, Kanye told Taylor that his new rap song Famous will include her name. So obviously, Taylor Swift knew about the song before it came out.

But a few months ago, Taylor Swift was reportedly livid about Famous lyrics when she's referred as bitch. It was reported that she doesn't know about the song.

This video that Kim shared on her Snapchat somehow exposed Taylor as a liar.

via tmz.com


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She's probably more likely to sue

It is illegal to record phone conversation in California. This leaked video of phone conversation is pretty damning to Taylor Swift. It potrays her as a liar. So she's probably going to sue Kimye to get back at them.

celeb · 7 years ago
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I knew there's something wrong with Taylor Swift...

I just felt you couldn't trust her. The same with the Kardashians.

Cryon · 7 years ago
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