Men, do you like #bitchy women?

Updated May 29, 2015 ● 751 views


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why not?!?!

you must be able to be a good girl at the right moments and a bitch at a convenient time. the most important thing is to have a nice behavior and to be real...

larivelazione · 9 years ago
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not at all

I like a woman to be assertive and honest. Bitchy nope. I don't have time to listen to it. If I did it would be from a small child. micahg2442 · 9 years ago
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@micahg2442: haha... even if just a little bit bitchy? coz I am a little bit bitchy sometimes. lol

sweet1 · 9 years ago
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Well that's fine because reality is we will never be together. But if it is occasional and it does not last long sure a little bitchiness is okay. But being a bitch to be a bitch nope. Not cool. micahg2442 · 9 years ago
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It depends...

If you are good looking and bitchy... I won't mind you bitching around me. But if you are fat, ugly, and bitcy... you should go to hell! lol

Kenn1 · 9 years ago
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@Kenn1: I like you. You are an honest guy. haha..

sweet1 · 9 years ago
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He's also a douche. So it's okay for a girl to be bitchy if he wants to sleep with her but if not then she should be a dumbed down submissive nothing? Go to church!! micahg2442 · 9 years ago
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