Wow... I'm first here. Let me ask you men a question. What are you looking for in a woman? ;)

Updated December 2, 2014 ● 826 views


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I'm looking for a girl who is nice, respectful, and who wants to talk, but who also has a tiny bit of a naughty side. He naughty part doesn't matter to me as much though haha What are you looking for in a man?

ThunderTrunks · 9 years ago
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A faithful honest and loyal woman looks don't really matter to me Reaper0989 · 8 years ago
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Someone with beautiful eyes...


rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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@rockybalboa: lol really.. that's all you're looking for?

Shay · 9 years ago
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I'd also be willing to talk to you if you need it, and be there for you in times of need. I'm 15, and if you want, you should add me on snapchat, or kik. My snapchat is wilbur_t75, and my kik is ThunderTrunks. I hope to see you there!

ThunderTrunks · 9 years ago
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@ThunderTrunks: You are too young to even understand how to answer my question. Stay in school.

Shay · 9 years ago
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