#Politics: Is President Donald Trump mentally ill?

Updated January 26, 2017 ● 570 views
#Politics: Is President Donald Trump mentally ill?

Donald Trump can't get over the fact that he lost the popular vote by millions. And seems won't stop whining about it. I sometimes wonder if he is mentally ill. I don't know anyone who's quite like him.


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He might be...

Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth all he really accomplishes is a further display of his malignant narcissism, severe insecurities, lack of knowledge, and his imperiousness. It think the most intellectually, emotionally, and mentally unqualified person to ever attain the presidency now runs this country.

Cryon · 7 years ago
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He is an egomaniac

Trump is the type of person who won't accept defeat. It hurts his ego. That is why he fights back hard when you criticize him. In his own world, he is always right.

JJfad · 7 years ago
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Trump is a maniac

Robber · 7 years ago
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