So who bought the new #iPhone6 here? How do you like it?

Updated November 26, 2014 ● 861 views
So who bought the new #iPhone6 here? How do you like it?


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I'm actually also wondering...

I've seen videos where the iPhone 6 bends. Not cool!

HenryD · 9 years ago
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I'm still ok with my Motorola RAZR! lol

rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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This is too much!

Non-expandable memory automatically rules it out for me and I simply refuse to pay the extortionate amount extra for the larger models, when a 32GB SD card can be bought for only a few pounds.

Regul8tor · 9 years ago
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No full HD resolution, no sapphire glass, no edgeless screen and still with a dual-core processor and only an 8 MP camera? I am an Apple fanboy, but this one sucks! Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave right now!

Jaye88 · 9 years ago
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