Jimmy Kimmel Got The Whole eSports Community Mad After Mocking Them On His Show

Updated September 2, 2015 ● 942 views

Jimmy Kimmel don't get the point of eSports. It's basically gaming becoming sports as some people will actually watch other people play games.

The success of Twitch stream proved this. People will waste their time watching other people play video games rather than play themselves. Which is what Jimmy Kimmel doesn't get.


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What is the original video that got all the gamers mad?

Robber · 8 years ago
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YouTube’s New Video Game Watching Service []

AtomBomb · 8 years ago
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@AtomBomb: Looks like the whole gaming comminuty has convene and disliked this video. haha.

Cryon · 8 years ago
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@Cryon: Apparently this is a big deal. YouTube will not launch YouTube gaming if there's no audience. I know people who stream on Twitch makes tons of money from donations. So not only these people are watching, they also give away money. haha.

JJfad · 8 years ago
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Because most gamers don't have social life.

This only means there's a lot of people who don't have social life. If they got tired of playing games, they would then watch other people play games. Haha.

Dagger · 8 years ago
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@Dagger: Watch out. You don't want to get the wrath of the entire gaming community.

AtomBomb · 8 years ago
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I don't get it either...

I don't know what pleasure they get from watching people play video games.

rockybalboa · 8 years ago
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I don't understand. Why would someone watch someone play games on YouTube?

kayzee1 · 8 years ago
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