Justin Bieber's new fling Sofia Richie sings Justin's 'Let Me Love You' on Snapchat #srichieee

Updated August 28, 2016 ● 1,945 views
Justin Bieber's new fling Sofia Richie sings Justin's 'Let Me Love You' on Snapchat #srichieee
Sofia Richie

Justin Bieber quit Instagram yesterday over fans hate comments towards his new girlfriend Sofia Richie. Sofia Richie is the younger sister of Nicole Richie and of course their dad is the famous music superstar of the 80's Lionel Richie. So there is no surprise Sofia is feeling cloud nine singing Justin's own hit song "Let Me Love You" on Snapchat when it shows Justin is willing to lose fans for her.

Well let's see how this ends. So follow Justin and Sofia on Snapchat and see if they should be together.