Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Username @JacobSartorius

Updated July 29, 2016 ● 46,715 views
Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Username @JacobSartorius
Jacob Sartorius

Hey guys! Jacob Sartorius of Musical.ly! 

My Snapchat username @JacobSartorius!

Follow me and I follow you back.

Go get Hit or Miss on iTunes!


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Jacob love your Musical.ly posts...

I'm following you on Snapchat. Goodluck to Hit or Miss album!

Kaye1 · 8 years ago
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@Kaye1: thanks for following!

JacobSartorius · 7 years ago
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Jacob!!! love your Snapchats!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Congrats on Hit or Miss climbing to #18 on iTunes! You definitely deserve it! It will get to #1! 😍

Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Pic

Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Pic

Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Pic

Jacob Sartorius Snapchat Pic

kayzee1 · 8 years ago
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@kayzee1: thank you for getting hit ot miss!

JacobSartorius · 7 years ago
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I am following you on musicl.ly great songs big fan

Mariah0123 · 7 years ago
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Love your Snapchat Jacob! ❤️❤️❤️

Kris · 7 years ago
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@Kris: thank you guys so much!

JacobSartorius · 7 years ago
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