Welcome to the beta release of "#Snapchat Map"

Updated March 15, 2017 ● 1,571 views
Welcome to the beta release of "#Snapchat Map"
Snapchat Map

Check out the beta release of our new neat feature called "Snapchat Map". This new feature will help you meet local Snapchat users. You need to be registered in order to see details of the Snapchat users.

The initial user locations are only accurate to the city level. When you login and you first access the map, it will ask permission to get your current location. Your location is required in order for you to see other local users in your area. When you allow this website to get your geolocation, it will save your location to the database so other users within your city can add you.

Like I said, this is beta. We are still tweaking and adding some more functionality to the Snapchat Map.

Click here for the Snapchat Map!

Happy Snapchatting!