Danny Bowman: Teenager addicted to #selfies had 'turned #suicidal'

Updated March 25, 2014 ● 1,731 views
Danny Bowman: Teenager addicted to #selfies had 'turned #suicidal'

I can relate to this teenager. Not so long ago, when selfies are just becoming mainstream, I tried so many times to take the perfect selfie.

But no matter what I do, I always look the same. I cannot mimic the selfies taken by celebrities who seemed to be all good at taking selfies.

After so many attempts at taking selfies, I asked a girl at a party of her opinion about my selfies and she said. "I will tell you the truth as long as you won't get mad at me". I said, "I won't get mad".

And she said, "Don't do the duckface on your selfies".

via metro.co.uk



haha is this guy serious?

Allie22 · 10 years ago
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