#SeaOrbiter, A Starship Enterprise of the Sea, Will Launch Its Exploration In 2016

Updated November 29, 2013 ● 359 views
#SeaOrbiter, A Starship Enterprise of the Sea, Will Launch Its Exploration In 2016

When it's completed, the SeaOrbiter, a spaceship-like underwater vessel, will become the first ocean lab where researchers can live 24/7 over long periods of time. It's the Starship Enterprise of the sea, exploring parts of the ocean where no man has gone before. The SeaOrbiter will allow researchers to swim into parts of the deep ocean, where no one has gone before.

The SeaOrbiter is a $43 million project. It's the result of a 30-year research and design process. by sea architect Jacques Rougerie and guided by experts like Jean-Michel Cousteau and former NASA chief Daniel Goldin. The SeaOrbiter vessel will hold a crew of up to 22 people when it launches.

via fastcoexist.com