#AskPsychology: What makes you happy?

Updated August 1, 2013 ● 427 views


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Getting up early in the morning and knowing that a new opportunity lies ahead.

I always say thank you to someone everyday. Whether it's my favorite barrista girl or someone who holds the elevator for me.

So waking up early and saying thank you makes me happy.

Alex · 10 years ago
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Going out with friends and family makes me happy. I think this is one of the most important key to happiness. The more close friends you have the happier you are. They are there when you're down. Just pick the right ones.

Jaye88 · 10 years ago
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@Jaye88: I don't have friends... can you be my friend?

David · 10 years ago
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Shopping makes me happy. :). At least that's what I do to lift myself up and hide from stress.

Jenni · 10 years ago
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@Jenni: I wish I have more money.

David · 10 years ago
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