#jQueryTips: How to detect #AdBlock using #jQuery?

Updated May 8, 2016 ● 1,423 views

AdBlock is a very useful plugin if you visit a site with a lot of annoying pop-up ads. But let's be honest, AdBlock is robbing a lot web content authors of their due income. How do you expect people to write content if they are not making money?

If you own a website, here's how you detect if a visitor has AdBlock enabled using jQuery:

    if ($('#advertisement').height() == 0) {
        window.location = 'http://www.yoursite.com/AdblockNotice.html';

What the above jQuery line of code does is basically detect whether the visitor has AdBlock plugin enabled. Then it redirects the user to a target page with a notice. You can tell the visitor to disable AdBlock in order to view your content.