President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time of 8 days, Gallup finds

January 30, 2017 ● 198 views
President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time of 8 days, Gallup finds

Days until achieving MAJORITY disapproval from @Gallup

  • Reagan: 727
  • Bush I: 1336
  • Clinton: 573
  • Bush II: 1205
  • Obama: 936
  • Trump: 8. days.

President Trump's actions during his first week in office have appeared to be aimed at the voters who already supported him, not at reaching out to the rest, and that's taken a rapid toll on his support, which was already historically low.



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Well we all know what Trump thinks of poll...

He believes it's fake. And all negative news about him are fake news.

HenryD · 7 years ago
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When will Trump get that majority of Americans doesn't like him. I bet he thinks this is fake.

Cryon · 7 years ago
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