#NBA: #LeBron James announces return to Cleveland #Cavaliers

Updated July 11, 2014 ● 1,267 views
#NBA: #LeBron James announces return to Cleveland #Cavaliers

Four years ago LeBron James was vilified by the Cleveland Cavaliers owner, Dan Gilbert, after leaving for the Miami Heat. A lot of Cavaliers fans was hurt and everybody thought that LeBron is never going back to Cleveland.

But today, he just announced on Sports Illustrated that he's back to Cleveland.

What's your opinion now that the best player in the NBA is going back to his home state?

via si.com


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He's a businessman...

He went to Miami to get championship rings. But the Heat sucked on the Finals against the Spurs. Except probably for LeBron, the rest of team sucked. That includes Wade. So he realized, he'll probably not gonna get more rings with his sidekick past his prime.

Anyhow, Miami should be thankful. They got 4 straight Finals appearance and 2 championships.

rockybalboa · 10 years ago
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This is Heat's owner, Micky Arison reaction...

Robber · 10 years ago
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