Here's the full Marvel's "Ant-Man" trailer and it looks pretty good!

Updated April 14, 2015 ● 867 views

Looks like we got another blockbuster from Marvel here and Paul Rudd struck gold with a super-hero movie. What do you guys think?


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Some Marvel's Ant-Man facts:

Real Name: Scott Edward Harris Lang

Height: 6'0" (can shrink to a half inch as Ant-Man)

Weight: 190 lbs.

Powers: Has the ability to shrink to roughly the size of an ant, also can communicate telepathically with insects, and (as Ant-Man) can punch with as much force as a normal sized person

Abilities: Expertise in electronics

Group Affililations: Formerly Avengers, Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire

First Appearance: (as Scott Lang) Avengers #181, (as Ant-Man) Marvel Premiere #47 (1979)

Origin: Marvel Premiere #47-48 (1979)

JJfad · 9 years ago
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This looks pretty good.

Dylan · 9 years ago
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