What is 'dogecoin'?

Updated April 16, 2014 ● 988 views
What is 'dogecoin'?

Dogecoin is 'Doge' + 'coin' = Dogecoin!

Kidding aside, Dogecoin is a Litecoin-derived cryptocurrency introduced on December 8, 2013. It features a Shiba Inu from the "Doge" Internet meme on its logo. Dogecoin was created by programmer Billy Markus who hoped to create a fun cryptocurrency that could reach a broader demographic than Bitcoin.

In the news just this month, someone was giving away huge sum of dogecoin in San Francisco Bay area! The Robin Hood inspired figure, who calls himself "Hood" and goes by the Twitter handle @savethemhood, has posted a bunch of flyers around San Francisco with a QR code for an unspecified amount of Dogecoin.