10 Hottest Photos From Kylie Jenner's Instagram

Updated December 11, 2016 ● 1,924 views
10 Hottest Photos From Kylie Jenner's Instagram
She's a snake

With over 80 million followers on Instagram, Kylie Jenner can be called the queen of social media.

And these 10 hot photos is the reason why.

Taking the crown from her older sister Kim Kardashian, Kylie has fascinated not just the paparazzis, but teens all over the world. She seems to influence teen girls around the world by just being ridiculously beautiful.

Because of her powerful social media presence, Kylie has become a successful business woman with the launch of her own cosmetic line Kylie Cosmetics.

She used the power of social media to sell her products. She's active on Twitter, Instagram, and on Snapchat. Her lip gloss runs out in just minutes of becoming available. Who does that?

With that unbelievable influence, Kylie is the queen of social media and every teenage girls wants to be like her.

1.) Creme dela creme
Creme dela creme

2.) Baywatch

3.) Peacha Pie
Peacha Pie

4.) Let's go get a dip
Let's go get a dip

5.) Ride me
Ride me

6.) Cowgirl

7.) Lucky bastard
Lucky bastard

8.) Save me when I drown
Save me when I drown

9.) Ohhh la la
Ohhh la la



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I only wish... 😔 

Kaye1 · 7 years ago
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Damn Tyga is one lucky son of a 🐝 tch

Tyga knew what he had when he was dating Kylie as a minor. Kylie turned into a goddess.

rossdboss123 · 7 years ago
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