Hilarious Donald Trump impersonator at Washington DC #TaxMarch

Updated April 17, 2017 ● 555 views

If you like Alec Baldwin impersonation of President Trump, you are going to like this guy even better. A Donald Trump impersonator just took the stage at Washington DC's Tax March.

The guy got Donald Trump's signature hair and signature handshake. A handshake that will subdue the unprepared receipient. And he talks like The Donald.

Watch this hilarious video.


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He is better than Alec Baldwin... he looks exactly like Donald Trump.

I'm surprised he was not mugged when he showed up at the rally. Everybody wants to see his tax returns. And I don't think he will release it. He is definitely hiding something.

HenryD · 7 years ago
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@HenryD: Trump lies. He will never release his tax returns.

FlorixPopa · 7 years ago
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Not a bad Trump impression...

I give this guy 7/10. His voice is close to The Donald. He looks like The Donald. He shakes people's hand like The Donald.


awesome8 · 7 years ago
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That guy just need to wish that President Trump don't get impeached so he can get more gigs as The Donald

AtomBomb · 7 years ago
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