Introducing from the creator of cronut... #churroduo, it looks mindbogglingly good!

December 10, 2016 ● 453 views
Introducing from the creator of cronut... #churroduo, it looks mindbogglingly good!

The cronut creator just invented a new food. The churroduo. It's basically pastries with two interlocking churro pyramid.

And it taste awesome!


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This looks yummy... now I want one! Where can I buy the churroduo?

amy21 · 7 years ago
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@amy21: If you live in Japan. :). The Churroduo is currently only available at Tokyo, but the chef who created it is considering selling them in New York and London if there's enough interest.

JJfad · 7 years ago
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@JJfad: now I'm sad 😭 .... anyone from Tokyo? Please send me a box of churroduo and I'll pay you 😆

amy21 · 7 years ago
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@JJfad: he should make this available in the US... this looks yummy

Kaye1 · 7 years ago
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Cronut and Churroduo sound like they make a Pokemon evolutionary line... haha

Cryon · 7 years ago
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I thin that churroduo is meant for a group to eat

i don't think I can eat that two huge interlinked pyramid of sweet pastry in one seating.

rossdboss123 · 7 years ago
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