63-year-old Christie Brinkley appears in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2017

February 7, 2017 ● 996 views
63-year-old Christie Brinkley appears in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2017
Christie Brinkley and her daughters

Christie Brinkley, who appeared in the Sports Illustrated magazine eight times in 1975-2004, is best known for her record three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit covers in 1979, 1980 and 1981. You would think you'll never see her again on SI cover. But you're wrong.

At age 64, model Christie Brinkley is back again at the cover of SI Swimsuit Edition along with her two gorgeous daughters. Who would have think, it was the 70's when Christie Brinkley was a household name. She doesn't look like her age. She must have found the fountain of youth!

Age is certainly just a number.



She is 63 years old? 😮

Christie Brinkley doesn't look like her age! Wow!

Cryon · 7 years ago
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