James Corden Performs with The Backstreet Boys

Updated September 29, 2016 ● 386 views

James Corden shocked his viewers during Tuesday night's episode of "The Late Late Show With James Corden" when he brought the boy band out on stage. The audience's screams when the Backstreet Boys hit the stage and performed their hit, "Everybody." But things took an epic turn when Corden joined them. Not only did Corden hit the high notes, he knew all the choreography too.


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Happy to see The Backstreet Boys!

What happened to brian's voice breaks my heart... He had such an amazing voice... I'm glad he tries though... And luckily Nick has gotten so good he saved the performance... Love my boys ❤️

Christina · 7 years ago
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How old are these guys? Are they like in their 40's??

pete808 · 7 years ago
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James Corden kills it! He should form a band! 😁😁

Becky · 7 years ago
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DIdnt know Christian Bale was in the Backstreet Boys

rossdboss123 · 7 years ago
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@rossdboss123: Which one??

Becky · 7 years ago
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@Becky: the tall guy with long hair... I don't know his name...

rossdboss123 · 7 years ago
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