What do you think this #cat is thinking? Find out what's troubling this cat...

Updated July 6, 2014 ● 1,100 views
What do you think this #cat is thinking? Find out what's troubling this cat...
"WTF is wrong with you?"

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This cat must be telling his owner.... "WTF is wrong with you? You are making me look like an idiot in this photo!"

But I've never owned a cat. So I'm not really sure if that's what this cat is saying.

If you own cat, maybe you can interpret this look and tell us below.

1.) Oh I see...
Oh I see...




Wha the...!?

I would be mad if I was the cat for cropping my face!

rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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@rockybalboa: LOL

Jeanne · 9 years ago
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