When I go to Moscow, I will definitely commit a crime! Look at this picture of #RussianPoliceWomen

Updated November 20, 2014 ● 1,663 views
When I go to Moscow, I will definitely commit a crime! Look at this picture of #RussianPoliceWomen

I have never commited a crime. Except, when I was in my first year of school and I peed inside the class because I was so afraid of asking my notorious teacher if I can go pee. At least I didn't took a dump.

But when I go to Moscow, I will make it sure that I commit a crime. Maybe a crime that will put me in jail overnight. And I will do the crime when these Moscow police women are around. Look at these Russian police officers.

They look like the ones I see on online movile clips once in a while when I feel bored.

Oh yeah... I will ask them to do cavity search on me.

Russian Plice Women are hot!

via themoscowtimes.com



Damn... these officers are hot!

I think all Russian women are hot!

rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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