What Are Some Good Reddit Alternatives?

Updated July 4, 2015 ● 1,032 views
What Are Some Good Reddit Alternatives?
What Are Some Good Reddit Alternatives

Users of Reddit are currently on revolt due to firing of one of its key employee Victoria Taylor. Victoria is the person who helps celebrities answer questions on IAMA sub-reddit. Without her, IAMA would never really work at all.

Also in the past couple of months, several subreddits have been shutdown due to Reddit's Terms of Service violation. One of the subreddit that got shutdown is called FatPeopleHate. Well, there goes Redditor's freedom to hate.

If you hate Reddit now, here some Reddit alternatives that is worth checking out.

  1. voat.co - Voat.co is a exact copy cat of Reddt. Unfortunately, they are down and cannot handle huge traffic.
  2. snapzu.com - Similar with Reddit with a design that focuses more on images. Downside is they don't have active people and it's boring.


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Pinterest should be a good reddit alternative...

just saying... there's a lot of hot women in there. ;)

Dagger · 8 years ago
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@Dagger: True. lol.

Becky · 8 years ago
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Outside is a good reddit alternative

am i right?

rockybalboa · 8 years ago
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