GE GEnx-1B 3D Printed B787 Jet Engine with Thrust Reverser

Updated August 31, 2015 ● 1,423 views

This is a 3D printed jet engine that actually works. It's printed in a Prusa i3 3D printer with ABS Plastic, 0.3mm nozzle 0.1mm layer height.

Jet Engine Specifications:

  • 100mm diameter 18 blades.
  • 24 outlet guide vanes.
  • 34mm diamenter 18 blades internal turbine for cooling the motor.
  • Thrust reverser, complete system with translating cowl, blocker doors and cascades.
  • NTM 1400kv 35mm motor

Full throttle run test with a 3S battery. Thrust Reverser test at half throttle.