Third year #Broncos offensive lineman John Moffitt walks away from the NFL

Updated November 8, 2013 ● 455 views
Third year #Broncos offensive lineman John Moffitt walks away from the NFL

John Moffitt, a third-year offensive lineman, told the Broncos he wasn't going to return to the team after its bye week. Just like that, he was done with football.

"I just really thought about it and decided I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all," Moffitt told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Seattle. "And I think it's really madness to risk your body, risk your well-being and risk your happiness for money. Everybody, they just don't get it and they think it's crazy. But I think what I was doing is crazy."





Wow... a lot of people would do anything to get his job. But I guess he got a point.

whatodo · 10 years ago
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