#Yellowstone by Moonlight

Updated June 8, 2015 ● 890 views

Yellowstone by Moonlight: A time-lapse journey through Yellowstone National Park under the night sky.

This project is a result of several years capturing time-lapse under the moonlit landscape in Yellowstone National Park.  Photographer Christopher Cauble spent many nights alone in the wilderness capturing these images. According to Christopher, the experience was incredibly profound and one could even say life changing.

Yellowstone National Park is an extreme and dynamic environment; at times you could be watching a geyser erupt under a full moon and at the same time listening to the unmistakable howl of a nearby wolf. Anyone who visits Yellowstone will feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to witness this beautiful and unique place under these circumstances.


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One of the places you need to visit before you die...

Cryon · 9 years ago
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This clip shows how amazing Yellowstone is. Great job by the photographer!

Aubrey · 9 years ago
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Fun Facts About Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park was established on March 1, 1872, 20 years before Montana, Idaho and Wyoming were granted statehood.

rossdboss123 · 9 years ago
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