Ant-Man Official Movie Trailer

Updated February 4, 2015 ● 979 views

Paul Rudd portrays Scott Lang, a small-time thief who's recruited by Michael Douglas' Dr. Henry Pym to be the Ant-Man. Pym himself creates the technology but is too old to wear the suit. The trailer also provides quick looks at Evangeline Lilly's Hope Van Dyne, Pym's daughter, as well as Corey Stoll's Darren Cross, the film's antagonist who will use Pym's technology to create the Yellowjacket suit.


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I'm not into comics... what is exactly is his super power?

What is exactly is Ant-Man? Is he a human-size ant? or an ant-size human? What kind of super power does he have?

HenryD · 9 years ago
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@HenryD: He doesn't age. Did you see Clueless? Paul Rudd hasn't aged since that movie!

Jaye88 · 9 years ago
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@HenryD: Ant-Man super power is he can alter his size. Ant-Man was originally the superhero persona of Hank Pym. Hank Pym is a Biophysicist and Security Operations Center expert who discovered the chemical substance (Pym Particles) that would allow the user to alter his size.

JJfad · 9 years ago
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Marvel is running out of super hero film...

No way I'm gonna watch this. Come on!... an ant??? lol

AtomBomb · 9 years ago
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This trailer doesn't seem to entice me...

I like Paul Rudd. But I think this movie is a bit bland for a superhero movie.

DonJuan · 9 years ago
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