Billionaire Jack Dorsey Bets on #Blockchain as #Bitcoin Price Craters

March 18, 2018 ● 380 views
Billionaire Jack Dorsey Bets on #Blockchain as #Bitcoin Price Craters

Bitcoin prices slipped 6% following a tumultuous week punctuated by a Google ban on cryptocurrency ads and escalating threats of regulatory scrutiny. But just because bitcoin prices are tumbling today doesn't spell doom for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Twitter billionaire Jack Dorsey has invested in Lightning Labs, a blockchain startup that aims to speed up bitcoin transactions.




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Why would Jack Dorsey invest in bitcoin startup? Twitter is losing... now he's about to lose more money...

Robber · 6 years ago
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@Robber:  Someone fed Jack Dorsey misinformation hoping they both will profit from what will turn out to be a massive scam.

awesome8 · 6 years ago
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I don't know why anyone would invest in cryptocurrency... I think it's a scam

awesome8 · 6 years ago
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