Blue light from phone screens has been known for years that it damages vision

Damaging Blue Light: CEI team says to limit screen timeCINCINNATI (WKRC) - There is yet another concern about the amount of time people spend on smartphones, tablets, computers and other devices.A new report said the light they emit could damage people’s eyes. They are pretty much something everyone has to use. But a review of several studies by a team Local 12 News talked to at the Cincinnati Eye Institute showed the color of the light from those screens could mess with a person’s eyesight.Brittany Holdheide said, “I spend time on my laptop, my phone, my iPad.”Those hours on a phone or hand held device was raising new concerns for those who use them. And those who see the impact of them on eyes.Dr. Kevin Corcoran, director of Optometric Services at CEI said, “These are much higher sources of blue light.”That blue light, according to Dr. Corcoran Appeared to damage the retina or the light sensitive tissue lining in the back of the eye. That was raising the risk for complications that lead to future blindness, especially in young people.“Well actually as the light comes through the front, part of the blue light can be absorbed through the lens. But in a younger person the lens doesn't contain pigment to absorb the UV light or the blue light. So we are concerned about protecting the youth, either with filtration devices, non-glare lenses, blue absorbing lenses, that will serve the patient from a lifetime of exposure that has potential hazards,” said Dr. Corcoran.If people use their blue light device to Google average screen time per day, the numbers will amaze them. The average child spends five to seven hours in screen time, the average teen about nine, and an adult spends up to ten hours between the time at work on the computer, on the phone, on an iPad, or even TV when people go home.People should give their eyes a short break every twenty minutes from blue light. And add a few sight-saving foods or supplements to a diet. Bright yellow and dark green vegetables were top sources sight-saving nutrients.
Jaye88 · 5 years ago
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