People are quick to jump into a relationship, getting to know someone takes time! Try courting one another before jumping all in.

Updated December 16, 2014 ● 317 views


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Agree with you...

Take it slow, or you might end up with a lunatic... ;)

tyler007 · 9 years ago
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Funny, I tell people that's what I am and they still want me O,o.. Bri1250 · 9 years ago
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I think 1 week is good enough...

if it dosn't work, breakup...lolz

rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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@rockybalboa: Are you trying to be funny?

Bri1250 · 9 years ago
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@Bri1250: not really... i just don't like rules. Go out. Date. Be together. Then you'll find out if both of you are really meant to be. Just my $0.02c.

rockybalboa · 9 years ago
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@rockybalboa: Lol there are no rules when it comes to dating. It's all about perspective. But everyone has different views. I personally think theres no rush to being in a relationship with someone. Date, Court, Have fun together and then if you wanna step it up to a relationship then step it up. I just feel like people jump into a relationship and then towards the end get butt hurt because they dont really know their partner.

Bri1250 · 9 years ago
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