#Relationship: Is it possible to be 'just friends'?

Updated July 29, 2014 ● 513 views
#Relationship: Is it possible to be 'just friends'?

Truly platonic opposite-sex friendships are the chupacabra of the pop culture narrative. From "When Harry Met Sally" to Ross and Rachel, first comes friendship, then comes relationship.

via cnn.com


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I have had numerous guy friends in my life. It can happen. Pseudonumb · 9 years ago
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Really will boil down to open communication and honesty. Also setting healthy boundaries and letting each other know what those are at the beginning. But yeah it's possible!! micahg2442 · 9 years ago
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Only happens if the girl is not attractive, or the guy is gay. Reason being is that almost all guys well eventually be overcome with sexual attraction that will ruin it. The girl may think its finr and the guy will say iy too but deep down i will bet anything he has or will think it. Hunter_sgb · 9 years ago
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I have some girls who are just friends. It's possible.

David · 10 years ago
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kris ur hot

Kris ur hor Scubasteve16 · 9 years ago
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@Scubasteve16: Really? This is all you got to say about this topic post? You are never gonna get a girl by telling her she's hot.

Kris · 9 years ago
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