Kanye West Butchered Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'... Adam Lambert Is Not Pleased

Updated June 30, 2015 ● 825 views

One guy who is totally not happy about Kanye West's performance of Bohemian Rhapsody is none other than Adam Lambert. The guy who toured with the remaining members of Queen and who can actually sing like Freddie Mercury.

Well damn it Kanye! I am not happy too. You think it's funny just to sing a classic rock song and just smile because you know you suck. You don't even know the lyrics. Stick to rapping because you can't sing!


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Damn Kanye..

That was so horrible!

FlorixPopa · 8 years ago
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This is so painful to listen to. I can't believe they let him sing this song. Queen should sue Kanye for ruining this classic song!

rockybalboa · 8 years ago
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